My business name is:
My human name is:
My email address is:
My business address and contact number is:
Tell us about the business
What do you do? Is it just you or is there a team? Why did you start the business? What is your story?
What keeps you doing what you do in your business?
Which parts do you love? What makes you come alive?
Which part(s) of your business do you NOT love?
What problem is this website going to solve for your business?
How is this problem affecting you?
What do we want the visitor of your website to do?
What are the objectives of your website? E.g. Call for an appointment? Purchase goods? Book a session? Please list one primary objective (and as many secondary objectives as required).
What emotions do you want visitors of your website to feel?
Trustworthy. Dependable. Professional. Excitement. Youthful. Bold. Urgency. Luxury. Creativity. Imagination. Friendly. Welcoming. Cheerful. Confidence. Happiness. Optimism. Peaceful. Balance. Growth. Simplicity. Clarity. Purity. Classic. Elegance. Powerful. Fearful.
Tell us about your ideal client:
This can include both their demographic info (i.e. individuals, businesses, families, age/generation, location) and their values (see list below). Please include any key details.
Achievement Activism Adventure Authenticity Authority Autonomy Balance Beauty Boldness Compassion Challenge Community Competency Contribution Creativity Curiosity Determination Fairness Faith Fame Friendship Fun Growth Happiness Honesty Humour Influence Inner Harmony Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Love Loyalty Meaningful Work Openness Optimism Peace Pleasure Poise Popularity Recognition Reputation Respect Responsibility Security Self-Respect Service Social Justice Spirituality Stability Success Status Trustworthiness Wealth Wisdom
What are you customer's pain points?
What influences their decision to choose you or buy from you? Why do they need your product or service? What do they worry about?
What do you offer to solve those frustrations?
When your customer hits your website, what do you think is there level of awareness?
Click all that apply as you may have customers at multiple awareness levels.
MOST AWARE: They know what you do or sell, and they just want to know how to book or buy.
PRODUCT AWARE: They know what you do or sell, they're just not sure it's right for them.
SOLUTION AWARE: They know what they want, but they're not sure if you can provide it.
PROBLEM AWARE: They know they have a problem but they didn't know a solution existed.
COMPLETELY UNAWARE: They don't know that they even need your product/service.
How do you want your brand to sound?
Below is a list of tone of voice words to inspire you. List any that stand out, or add any of your own.
Affectionate Accepting Admiring Adoring Amused Apologetic Approving Bantering Bemused Benevolent Boastful Calm Candid Cavalier Childish Child-like Chatty Complimentary Coy Dramatic Dreamy Ecstatic Enthusiastic Exhilarated Exultant Fanciful Flippant Fond Giddy Gleeful Happy Humourous Indulgent Ironic Irreverent Joking Joyful Light-hearted Lingering Loving Marvelling Mysterious Naïve Neutral Nostalgic Objective Peaceful Playful Poignant Pragmatic Proud Provocative Rallying Reflective Reminiscing Restrained Satirical Seductive Self-mocking Sentimental Serious Silly Solemn Straight Forward Strident Swaggering Sweet Sympathetic Thoughtful Respectful Reverent Understated Urgent Vibrant Whimsical
I DON'T want to sound:
What are some keywords relevant to your business?
What would potential clients be 'Googling' to try and find you?
Whose work or website inspires you?
Who is doing amazing work? What sites do you love visiting? Whose marketing inspires you? Please provide URLs and any additional details you think will be useful. They don’t have to be from the same industry.
Who do you consider your competitors?
We're big believers that there's enough work for everyone! However please list similar business, business in your local area, those with similar products etc
Mandatory information:
Is there any information that must be included on your website? Do you have special product names? Qualifications? Is your brand trademarked? Is your dog the star of your show and must be mentioned in your bio?
Please provide any links to your social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, YouTube, etc).
Do you have a timeline/deadline for this project?
Do you have anything else you want to add?
Questions? Concerns? Excitement?
Do you have any other information that you think will help me understand you and/or your project a little better?
We will also need you to provide the following design assets for your website build:
Vector version of your logo (EPS / PDF / AI file format)
Style Guide document outlining how the brand should be used (if you have one)
If you don't have a Style Guide then please provide any FONTS to be used and COLOUR PALETTE (CMYK / RGB / Hex Values)
Other supporting marketing materials such as brochures, advertisements, business cards, letterheads, other stationery etc